Sunday, May 29, 2011

Vogue 7881


This second picture is how I will wear the trousers.  The top is from the Japanese book drape drape. The dogs are Andrew and Monty (red jacket).  Every time I have photos taken they are keen to be included this time I thought why not.

These trousers are a land mark moment for my sewing. I have never been satisfied with any trousers I have made before these. Most of my difficulties were either the crutch was too low or odd looking with folds in the wrong place, or the waist and fly area was too big or tight and distorted. I still wore these inadequate trousers because most of the time I wear my tops out, but it is great to have the option of showing the waist. I brought this pattern when I started sewing seven and a half years ago and made the non couture trouser. It was too long in the front from crutch to waist. So I moved on to other patterns. I now have tried at least 8 different trouser patterns. I was reading the Sewing Lawyers blog recently which discussed how fantastic the couture version of the trousers were and how they always suit her. There is alot of detail in this post so check it out.

I thought I may as well try again.  This time I cut a size twelve in Marc Jacob’s wool and Lycra. I did not have time for a Muslin.  As Perth has been very warm for Autum with temperatures of over 30 degrees and I had not taken out my winter clothes. I was packing for the trip away and fortunately tried on my wool black trousers only to find they had shrunk. With one week to go I needed to take the risk and cut the fabric.

As per instructions I steam shrunk the front and back areas that would normally have pleats, this is great because it reduces bulk over my stomach. I followed all couture instructions including hand picking the zip. I found the zip surprisingly easy and very accurate. I would consider doing this more often because you don’t have the problem of the zip moving with the zipper foot. The only thing I would change next time is the waist band lining. I would seam it at the top with the front band, prior to the top stitching and then leave it open for the topstitching. Thus I could trim the seam allowances prior to turning the lining down and hand stitching the bottom section in place. When I try this I will re post.



1 comment:

  1. Your pants look wonderful. I admire you for making them with the couture methods. I have this pattern and have read through the instructions but always set it aside for a quick to make, none couture pattern. Someday!
    And you have a good looking dog in your photos just like they do sometimes in the fashion magazines.
